***To Write or To Talk?***
Hello again here!
I hope, your autumn became warmer after my last post and you started to look at it with another look!:)
And today, I would like to discuss one question, very important to a people who has a very big distance between each other. This is a question – to write or to talk?
It would seem that in the modern world of gadgets this is nothing impossible and we can be in touch with our close people all the time. We can hear them and even to see, and the voice dealing feature allows us ev...
Closest proximity - at a distance!
Hello here!
Very often, I hear a question - why I am looking for my man here? I have something to explain...
When people decide to make such a serious step as searching for the second half on the Internet, on a distance, this means that they really have grown to the willingness to love first of all the soul. Neither appearance, nor attractiveness, nor position in society not matter... Only inner mystery and sincerity...
What happens to us when we are travelling in a train or flying in an airplan...
***Just Stop for a Moment, Look Around...***
As the autumn came, everybody started to talk about cold weather, winds, sad mood and warm blankets... Books, coffee, mirthless music... Hey, people, what's happened to you? Don't you see it to be just stereotypical opinion? Or you just like to feel sad, because of it became fashionable?
Maybe, it's time to stop and to see, how wonderful becomes world, when the autumn comes? Maybe, it's time to feel the happiness, which a variety of gold shades brings to us? Why everybody used to think autumn to...
This beautiful autumn outside and so cold inside ...
Autumn is the most mysterious season. She sneaks up quietly and unnoticed. And every time when we fall under the leaf fall, it is as if we plunge into childhood, and rejoice like a child and throw up these leaves again and again. But what happens when we get home?
Nothing Nothing at all .... Behind the closed door is empty and cold. And I so much want to love, to be necessary for someone, to give my care to my own and beloved person. And go out to just fool around in these leaves, laugh out loud...