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Morning coffee… maybe let’s try anything else???

Name:Valentina, ID: 181
Category:Ladies' Posts

Dear readers of my blog ,
I am so creative woman and in my post I would like to share my ideas how romantically to spend the
morning with your second half. The talks about morning coffee are great, but actually I don’t like drinking coffee in the morning so if my possible second half wants to make me happy with this – I would probably not love this idea . But now I’d like to tell how I would love to spend romantic morning with my second half.
I would wake up earlier than my second ha...

Unusual wish ….

Name:Svetik, ID: 162
Category:Ladies' Posts

My warm greetings to a person who is reading my post now . You know that people find for themselves different activities and hobbies. And sometimes their hobbies can differ from their work. As for me my hobby is photographing. I adore taking my camera in hot weather in summer and take different photos of the nature and enjoy Ukrainian landscapes because they are really wonderful . I have always dreamt about photographing since my childhood. Sometimes I visit the photographing studio where I hav...

What do foreign men think about such profession ???

Name:Vitalina , ID: 182
Category:Ladies' Posts

A night club... Seven p.m. ...At eight pm the disco should start... Many men with their ladies come inside and order the meals and sit near the stage. The disco should start so quickly and it will be so much noise and joy around... There are some girls who think that everything will be as usually - they will pole dance very soon and the men will look at them and think that those ladies are ready for everything, they are ready for kisses and other naughty things....Why ? Why in the minds of t...

50 Shadows of love..

Name:Oksana, ID: 16640
Category:Ladies' Posts

The question what love is old as the world. Both ordinary people and philosophers-thinkers for centuries asked themselves the same question and each had its own definition of the concept of love. For somebody, love was a reflection of passion, for somebody's poetic mercy the object of breath , but invariably, one-love has never been synonymous with indifference. The poets chanted love from a gentle romantic like the Great Petrarch to a rough one like Marquis De Sada, every scientist, every poet ...

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