Their life are in our hands...
Only person with kind heart can love animals... Have you ever heard this phrase?
I should say that I fully agree with these words because we need to help everyone who needs our help
But I don't mean that we need to help only animals. There are people who need our help and we are able to make their life happy.
For example several weeks ago I have noticed that I have a lot of old toys in my parent's flat. I don't need them so I have made a decision to give them to Orphanage. When I came there a looked at the eyes of these children I was really in shock.
I think that it is the most terrible thing when you don't have parents... You don't have person to give your love and to take it back.
They were so happy to get my toys and clothes. They were so thankful to me. When you have nothing you are really very thankful person even for such small things...
So I think that kindness will save our world and we are able to do it!
Don't be indifferent!