Hello everyone ! This time I would like to think about the main values that we have in our life !
Let’s imagine that life is a game built on juggling with five balls. These balls are Work, Family, Health, Friends and Soul, and you need all of them to be constantly in the air. They are special balls as you see ! Not usual balloons that just fly in the air !
Soon you will understand that the ball Work is made of rubber - if you accidentally drop it down, it will jump and come back. But the other four balls - Family, Health, Friends and Soul – are made of glass. And if you drop one of them, it will be seriously damaged or even completely broken. It will never be the same as before.
The ball connected with work of course can be better because with time we can find better work but other balls ??? can THEY be better ?
Let’s discuss these things , ok ? I think this is the topic for long conversation .
Write me soon !