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Name:Karina, ID: 25416
Category:Ladies' Posts


My name is Karina, and I consider myself a mature woman. I have a deep understanding of life's values and the essence of humanity. I know that people can be incredibly diverse, sometimes even duplicitous. Yet, despite this, I still believe in people, in love, and in the strength of lasting relationships. I hold on to the hope that true, enduring love exists. Haha. And this belief is what brought me to this site.

I am not interested in games, drama, or any kind of chaos. I seek no argume...

Would you blush while holding my hand

Name:Diana, ID: 26041
Category:Ladies' Posts


I am on this site because I am looking for an open and serious relationship. I am a simple woman who wants to love and be loved. We can create something special and unique together if we only give ourselves a chance to get to know each other better.

I believe that we still have a chance to be happy together, and I want to give our loved ones a chance to develop. I hope you feel the same way and we can get through all the hardships and joys that await us together.

With love,


Name:Irina, ID: 29573
Category:Ladies' Posts

Hello) I'm an eccentric) I believe in drinking coffee with cinnamon on Thursdays) I love holidays like the solstice, equinox and various others) I recently bought a flute) Do you like the sounds of the flute? I can also play the piano. My cute hobbies do not harm anyone, but with such cute hobbies life becomes more interesting. Imagine that every morning I would draw a special symbol of the day on your hand) Or we will drink money coffee together)
What signs or symbols do you believe in? Do you ...


Name:Svetlana, ID: 29581
Category:Ladies' Posts

What does the word arrogance mean? Have you often encountered people who look down on you? It seems to me that the most important thing in a relationship is to be on the same level. If someone wants to grow, then the affiliate network should also grow. Otherwise it is not a partnership. If one partner looks down on the other, will it really be a partnership?
What gives one person the right to “evaluate” another person? How do you think? I'd be interested to talk about this. Join me and we'll dis...

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