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Finding soulmate?

Name:Ruslana, ID: 19654
Category:Ladies' Posts

Hello everyone!

Probably, everyone had unpleasant moments in life. And one of these tests is parting with your beloved person. This can happen for a variety of reasons, and the most important thing is how you will react to such a life situation. And, accordingly, you will outlive it.

Every person is born absolutely happy, and emotionally independent of anyone. Only as this person grows up, he acquires various stereotypes and morals that society imposes on him. And this alien reality becomes natural to him. This is how most people live.
there is an expression that everyone knows and I am sure everyone here on Love Temptation have this goal in life “ I want to find my soul mate” To tell the truth I like this expression also). Such a statement of thought can lead us to further human suffering.. By default, each individual is able to be happy on his own. If he is unhappy, he thinks that he will find this feeling in someone else.

Meets a person, and he is covered with love, it seems to him that this is it, this is the feeling. But the love passes, and the essence again appears in all its glory. The person starts to suffer again. I don’t know if it is true or not, in fact I am not depressed woman. Of course everyone has his moments of sadness, but we need to try to close this book and begin new book.

There is the fact that we should feel our fullness in life without someone's presence and stimulation. And only then, having found the person of your heart, you will understand everything.

So I hope that everyone who is reading in now, closed his 2019, closed his book to begin new one in this fantastic 2020 year. Be happy, do what you enjoy doing and don’t lose your hope. Three main rules that should be the most important rules for everyone!

Let everyone on the site find his soul mate)

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